26 May 2023

Feb 2023

Obligatory pet shot.
Mumma cat is becoming a lap cat much to my surprise. She's always been a bit wild.
Getting ready to be Freddy.
Marie's sewing up something to become boy George. I should say she was not dressing up as him, more like the living incarnation.
Two gay guys out on the town. Hey we're married as well. This is about as Inner West as it gets.
Connaugh's 40th was a dress up as the 80s do. Loads of fun, and interesting people, some family, friends and a few parents we knew...
Such as Aaron and Robin, aka Hulk Hogan and Lady Di.
Me, Marie and Riet went to see The Golden Strangers, featuring Jamie from next door on the drums. He went to the Con after graduating from Fort St High, so an all round genius, all concentrated into music. The other guys were all clearly "A Team" players. A v good night.

The Golden Strangers - LIVE AT BUTCHERS BREW BAR!  
Date: Thursday, 16 February 2023 from 8:00 PM to 10:30 PM (AUS Eastern Daylight Time)

The boys checking out the The En Trance. This restaurant was a bit hit and miss. Lou got the sushi which was pretty bad. Oli and me got some spicy noodle thing that was good.
Then we went for a walk. Thinking about it, it's pretty amazing talking them into a 2 hour each way trip. Must have promised device time.
I think this was from a visit to Ellen, to see Jean Claude who is now terminally ill. Catherine Dorahy is aka my Aunty Beat, my grandma Diggie's sister. She looked after us a lot when we were growing up.
My mum left, Diggie my grandma, and maybe its Beat not sure, with Ellen herself at the front. A tiny age gap eh.
The old home at 2 Rothwell Cres Lane Cove. Home for about 40 years for me, and more for the others, recently sold. The new owners have simply cleared the place out a bit, planted the grass on the side, and voila, it looks instantly amazing.
I put this shot in to record the beautiful painting we got from Warlukurlangu artists when we stayed in Yuendumu. It really completes the room there.
Went to Newcastle with the Leichhardt Bike Club. What a lovely weekend.

 Woke up at 5am, got up at 6.40, and still managed to miss the train. 

In my defence,  there was a 7.00 and a 7.13 from Petersham, that between going to sleep and getting up moved to 7.07. So i was 4 minutes early but then 1 minute late. Called Marie  sped to Strathfield, and got on the Newcastle intercity with 2 minutes up my sleeve. 

Sam Reich is in the foreground. He is a cycling legend of Newcastle, and a top bloke. Lovely to catch him again, after we met with the Australian Cyclist Party.
Here he is again, running as sweep for the back of the pack people like me. Newcastle has a couple of converted train lines that are now simply wonderful bike paths.
Like this one for example is pretty new.
I stayed at the 7 seas. You knew I would say that it is a wonderful pub, full of history, beers a bit boring but I'll drink anything, and a great location in the heart of the docks.
Sunday was a roll around the foreshore near the beach.
The two most eco friendly transport modes there are.
Random shot of the back of the house at night.
The boys went for Kevin and Michael's birthday at Laurens and Anke's. Lovely to see them, have to catch up.
And rounding out the news for February, me and Marie took the plunge and bought a place in the Entrance. It is a really cute little place, with a big backyard, not far from the beach. I can feel myself relaxing as soon as I get near there.

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