09 May 2023


Ra Ra was in town, over from WA.
We went like shoe shopping or something. We don't live eventful lives, haha.
It may be the fingers up, but at least we can see your face Oli! Lou is not big on photos.
We were wondering what to get the boys, as always. Lou comes home after a prac, shaking ice cream ingredients in a bath of ice. So it's like hmm, we know what to get - an ice cream maker. And in the months after we made a lot of it. I put on about 3kgs and decided to go on a diet.
Macabe's Christmas tree - v impressive.
One of Lou's bits of artwork. I love this kind of thing.
The cat loves the tiles.
Some of the christmassy stuff at our place for some of the local people.
Like most great ideas, my dog carrier is nearly really good. It is a pain to get on and off, plus the bike is out in the back shed. End result, it's been used once. But the dog did not seem to mind it at all.

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