17 May 2023



We went up north on holidays. Stayed at Sawtell pub. What a beautiful town! The pub is 50m from the beach and just super awesome. Can highly recommend it.
The beach at Sawtell is wonderful. Got a few drops this day, but not enough to get wet much.
Sawtell beach. 

Breakfast next to the beach at the surf club. These guys know how to get the people in - once again, recommended for sure!
The pub.
Going back in time, this is Bulahdelah. 
I'd been here so many times before. This is the first time, after like 30 years, that we climbed the hill nearby. Better than never! And what a lovely pocket of bushland.
The park at the bottom of the hill. The boys did some moderate to low level parkour.
The pub on main street at Bulahdelah - small comfortable, historic, good food, good beer, what more do ya need.
On the train to who knows where. So easy to all sit on the phone and let the driver worry about getting us there.

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