22 May 2023


At Jacky's place for Australia day: 

Had a couple of beers. The boys went for a good swim int he pool. I popped in for a dip.

ON the way to Wallacia Water Treatment plant, I go through Mulgoa each time. Our grandmother Diggie and Aunty Beat were from here. I still can't find Marlwood, the farm were they grew up. I heard a lot of stories about buggies with lice crawling onto people, Diggie holding down a sheep while the other kids jumped the fence on the way to school, etc! So I'm keen to see it some time.
Oli just doesn't use his bike, so we dropped it off to a place in Windsor to go to a family that hopefully will use the thing.
The photo was for Andy, who used to live here. We caught the train back when it was an old diesel.
The local station just keeps getting a lot better. First lifts, now some wonderful artwork.
Across the street from the art above, at the station, our cat Sumi followed us to the pub. She seemed to want to come in. But she's not really a people kind of cat.
Tha boys gambling while we were up at Coffs Harbour. I think either Lou or Charlie won the night.
The lookout over Coffs.
At the aquarium. There is a lot to see and do at Coffs. I am a fan of the place.

The clever little museum was a hit with our boys. Even there were some ropes where you could try out some knots.
And see what seaweed is in the cupboard.
Lou and Charlie under the sea, well in the water tank at least. Great idea.

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