14 July 2019

Warlu Arts Centre - the dogs

 Left: Ben. On the day we arrived, he peed on our tent. Lucky only the bag and the fly were affected.

The donga had many dogs, the town has many dogs. The boys loved them all! The artists, not so much as they peed and pood on the paintings.
Right: Kira the toilet dog.

In between times Kira came into the donga (sleeping area, bunks in shipping container type rooms). I tried to get her out, but she digs her claws in trying to hold on, resisting until I have to wrap my arms around her bony body and lift her up and out. Poor Kira has been traumatised by the other dogs. They all eat her food, so we feed her in the bathroom and shut the door. He often sleeps in the toilet cubicle the furthest from the door. He breathes weirdly when you come close to him. He did chase the cars, so not sure what psychosis this dog suffers from. He is one nervous dog.

Left: Lulu (big) and Kira (male, small).
Lulu is my fave. I went for a run and he came the whole way, very excited. He ruffles up his fur near Ben the big half dingo, and he's a friend, but otherwise he is pretty much the boss dog as far as I can see. Daisy is an old boss as well but she holds back at dinner time. She does bully the other dogs if they try to play bite with her.

We went to the school for the 6pm Tuesday Walpiri lesson with Enrique and our fam, but the teacher didn't come. Then went to the 6.30pm footie training with Blim, but no-one turned up for that either.

 At the local school with Rosie (brown), Daisy (brown and black), and Lulu (black).
Jenga poses in the gallery. Such a Yuendumu shot.
Marie and Ben.
Kira wears the hat.
Left: Enrique commissioned Wilma to do a painting of his cats in the compound. The cats names were Lola and Esmalida. Lou spent a large part of his day at Enrique and Alin's trailer entertaining the cats.
Dogs are excited for a walk to the shops.
At the cat shelter.
Right: Jumpijimba 

Jumpijimba is a new dog. His owner went to the retirement home. He was waiting faithfully at her house waiting for her to come home, but she never did. Sam, a lady who works here, is looking after him a bit. She would like us to make him welcome so he might stay here instead. We all tried to pat him a lot, Marie fed him, I gave him water. Luna play bites with him. Otherwise he's pretty standoffish and snarls with the other dogs who seem a threat. Just today (Friday) Alex, who's staying at Gloria's house to look after all the odd dogs of town at her house while she's away, told us about a dog hit squad that basically murdered a dog. It sounded gruesome: parts of dog here and there. Rosie came in with a chunky gash on her back once. No wonder the littler ones are so defensive and worried. Kira is a basket case. Would be good to home Kira or Jumpijimba but we've got a cat.
Left: Rosie and Daisy ready to sleep and howl it up for the night. Usually two howling sessions per night.
Right: Ollie and Daisy.

Day 3 mulched the plants to bounce light and reduce evaporation from the ground and roots. The place still looks quite clean at the end of the day after the yard rubbish clear out. Lots of coke lids, lolly wrappers, noodle flavour saches, chips packets and just random plastic foam etc. Spent most of the day finishing the roof of the two shelved cages. Had the help of a retired fellow from Canberra who'd grown up in Bankstown, worked in factories, then went to uni and onto the public service. Chris introduced me to DJ Shadow who is quite good. Spent more time looking at paintings to send to friends.

Made it to the local supermarket just in time for closing with 4 or 5 dogs from the compound. The petrol pumps are locked behind cages, so the procedure for fueling must be a pain. All the locals smile and wave as the drive by. Not sure if they're laughing at my artwork on my shirt or the dogs that are chasing the cars so closely that we call sorry to the drivers every time. These dogs are a comfort so that you don't have to worry about the other dogs. We dominate the doggy streetscape. But having two of them going mental at every moving car in the place is painful. Kiera and the little dog are the culprits.

Me and Lou went to the supermarket another time. The dogs waited patiently outside the supermarket, did not chase cars, and all came back in when we got back; a smart collection of dogs these.

Listened to the karaoke at the outdoor church, but didn't get there. Mary and Chris turned up. The conversation, cheese, crackers and nuts went on until Miho from Japan rolled in at around 8.30 who also sat down to join in the chat. Her English is excellent. I hope we get to one of the local events or even just go for a walk some time!

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