13 July 2019

Ntaria pt 2, 21 June

On the way back we visit Hermansburg again, but this time we find the tourist section, sit down in the cafe and relax. This is the area with the old mission buildings from the 1800's etc. It's run by a bunch of crispies who still run the Sunday church (not many turn up, mostly oldies just like at home.) 
 Big cat is one cool cat. The boys are entranced by his charm. He soaks up the sun and the pats.
Our standard charge up festival; computer, tablets, batteries, night lights.

Not much charity for the youngsters; the lady in the cafe warns us to look after all the things we've got charging up, in case they go walkabout.
Despair and disillusionment: the mission area and it's aims go sour with police and local cattle station owners working together to push the people off their land; mass shootings occurred.

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