13 July 2019

Tnorala - a metor crater

Tnorala is an ancient meteor impact crater, 142 million years old. It would have been hundreds of metres high. It's a once a 15 million year impact, the comet being about 1km diameter. The area has slowly eroded down to the hard rock that was melted and blasted out by the impact. Inside, it forms a clearly visible circle of hillside with outstanding constrasting colours. The crater is about 5kms wide, made of solid rock that got melt blasted out.
We got here late. There is no camping. We found somewhere nearby in a clearing with a camp fire. I spent the first hour or two listening for footsteps. We could hear voices. I wondered if these were axe murderers, but more likely they were also campers who found the correct place to put down a tent.

Can it happen again? Hope not soon!

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