04 December 2019

21st May Albany

Yacka - the rock that looks just like a dog. The roads lobby wanted to blow it up. That's normal; they'd love to destroy everything with any charm it seems.
Drove out to the Natural Bridge and spectacular open part where the seas whirled, crashed, and sent spray many metres in the air.
 Natural bridge.
View down to the Gap - the sea was furious, amazing to see so much water crashing into the V shape there.
We used to be attached to Antarctica along this coastline, only 40 million years ago. Considering the 4000 odd million year history of Earth, this is very recent. The granite is like 1100 million years ago when molten magma cooled.
The nearby blowhole wasn't blowing. The variety of shrubs was just like a garden. South WA is amazing.
Then onto the wind turbines. They make a real whirring noise when you're close. The blades quite loudly cut the air. Spectacularly huge, impressive, and providing 80% of Albany's energy.
This place is perfect as it blows all the time.

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