26 November 2019


19th lunch in Denmark - very hippy feel to it, loads of awesome cafes, bakeries, eco friendly shops, craft places. Picked up 2 wooden bowls - locally made. Walked around in the rain. Rolled onto Albany, played the usual find a place to stay, everything's pretty exxy. It's raining, so not keen to pitch tent with fixed rip in the fly.
End up at 6 degrees, a very cool pub, at the trivia night. Lou got up to do the "betty bought a bit of butter" tongue twister, as the hostess asked what was the problem with the butter, said who knows what that twister is. He received a Block Stacker game for the effort. Plus he supplied a tie breaker question - what's the melting point of Gold? The first contestant said 300C. Louis called out "Wrongggg!!" to general laughs.
20th - wandered down the local museum after school's out for the morning. Interesting info on the local Noongars, Kinjarling the original name for here, Boodja - country, a pearl diver section with remarkable anti Japanese racism etc.
I never get sick of hearing about fish traps - easy dinner, and other ingenious inventions of our first peoples.
The story behind 1080 poison - local animals tolerate it fine.
Old shot of Albany.
New shot of Albany.
The rest of the place is up on the hill, all very nie heritage homes, amazing for a walk or run.
Ollie does his impression of a cat (IMO).
As per usual, Australia has a dark history, not well enough exposed - our old slave traders, used in the pearl trade.
Museum of the.
Brig Amity - the first fleet for the area.
Brig Amity.

20th - Dined at Liberte.
The inside of the Liberte is an amazing place, leather armchairs, chandeliers, and delicious food. Their Liberge event for gay people needs a U for correct pronunciation. Thank you. (Libergue - missing the accent due to tech probs.)
We did a couple of sessions at the local games shop, played Zombicide, and World of Warcraft (or something with weird wizard things). Boys loved it.
This part of the world has lots in common with Antarctica eg the granite. Gneiss one.

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