30 December 2019

Kantjinwald (Port Elliot)

So now we're staying in Port Elliot in the Big 4 caravan park. The local beach is tiny surrounded by rocks, will check out more tomorrow.
This place is a real surprise - lots of beautiful architecture and well preserved heritage. The beach is a bit seaweedy, plus fairly cold. On the second day, me and Ollie went into the surf for a while. It's not too bad at all once you're used to the temperature.
The birds start screeching around 5am when the sun is half up. The tree over our tent is overrun with white cockatoos which bite off branch chunks that thunk on the tent. The car is caked with birds poo. On day two, we move it from under the tree. I had a go at scraping the windscreen, but it is just too hard to move it all.
Kantjinwald aka Port Elliot has a few beautiful streets of grand stone buildings.
And a railway crossing in the middle. This railway was one of the first in the state.
Victor Harbor - some nice streets, one big ugly shopping centre though.

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