05 December 2019

The Nullarbor, with trees.

29th - while submitting schoolwork, we copped a full on downpour - not great for pack up of the tent etc.
Drove to Norseman, me sleeping. The story of the horse on the street signs - one of the first Europeans horses kicked up a nugget of gold. That's why a camp sprung up here with everyone going for gold.
Local Ngadju are woodland people - the amount of trees around here is a surprise. Definitely not desert. Some have a deep khaki colour, like they've been painted. With all the short shrubs covering the ground, some parts look like a well kept parkland. It's like this all the way to Frazer Range station.
 30th Frazer Range Station is an old sheep station, a few beautiful old stone buildings, thick walls arched fire places, thick wood lintels over dorrways, heavy solid wood doors.
There's 2 camels, 2 goats, a couple of cows, all fed by hay, which hoardes of local galahs also feast on. Kangas come in at night to mow the lawn.
The kitchen is a gorgeous little hall, long bench seats, a big TV, 5 stars all round. NO WIFFIIII! Needs more Wee-Fee.
Lunch at Caiguna with funny pictures hung up around of fat cats etc.
Got to Madura pass, big view over huge plain. Went for a walk up the hill to check it out. Hotel room is spacious, but the shipping container has not been updated, repaired or repainted since the sixties.

It has to be said - still plenty of trees all around, sprinkles of rain and it's pretty cold, especially at night, max about 20 during the day, what the hell.
Famous signs on the Nullarbor - not actually for tourism, they're for safety, not that anyone would slow down much. Night road trains are flattening the roos.

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