21 April 2019

Bathroom cabinet making taking forever

Marie decided to do the vanities for our bathrooms herself. The plan was to recycle the timber from our demolition. That's brave I thought, as I had no idea how she'd do it.

Anyway, fast forward to the 15th of March, I finally quit from work, and after that, we got round to buying some recycled hardwood from some old bridges.

The wood is beautiful. At 30mm, it is tough to cut, drill, sand, etc. Laying out the wood, joining 2 together, then cutting them to length, square, takes a huge amount of time. The dovetails take a huge amount of time.
Each one needs to be sawed, then the middle gets a circular saw to remove most of the material, a nibbler to clean it, then chiselling to get it square and level.

Doing it 32 times, and then another 24 for the pins, is just a killer. Don't do this at home - get professionals to do it!

How the smaller cabinet looks once assembled. The pieces of the puzzle fit together pretty neatly. That's satisfying.

This is taking a lot longer than expected. We've got the two cabinets glued, the smaller one is 90% sanded down and filled. The bigger one needs a couple more days to sand, fill, sand, then oil. Today's Easter Sunday the 21st. They might be done by Christmas?

We went to lunch at the club near Baka's with the Lovric family. Tomorrow, it's the Re family at the Yum Cha at the RSL.

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