20 April 2019

April, no we haven't left yet

NO!!!!!!! Oh shit. The normal reaction to the NSW election results. There goes land clearing, environmental regulations, rampant development of bad quality apartments, and 45 odd billion dollars worth of motorway programs rolling and tolling on.

Time to get the hell out of NSW.

We got a kitchen for the Hilux from Drifta in Gloucester. After sawing off the edges, we now have space on the sides for our water bottles.
 Marie on the saw.
 Then staple the carpet back down and...
 Voila the result: a neat box ready to get bolted down to the tub, which we've since done.
 Here it is: space for water.
Advantages of getting masses of deliveries. Do not disturb, unless serving food or water. Serve food or water through the cat flap. We had some nuts, so Lou received a bowl of those to munch in his cubby house.
 The boys and Rafy check out the draws. Seems they can take a bit of weight.
Vince and Kathy are a couple of months ahead of us. Here they are in Kalbarri National Park, W.A., 6 hours north of Perth.

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