10 April 2019

Jan 2019 - rolling back home again

 Went on 8km bushwalk in searing heat. Some of the group turned back halfway. I was worried that people would be hydrated enough. Not Chap - he thought it was very pleasant; he's used to working in much hotter conditions. The swim at the end here was truly fantastic.
 After camping, we drove back again to see Zereena, Neerav, Rojan and Rayan at home in Ashgrove. We did a bit of cricket. The kids watched the box, swam a bit, and played some devices. They were pretty excited to see each other again and catch up.
 The Granite Belt Brewery at Stanthorpe is just an awesome place. Delicious brews, great food, and the boys played ping pong, for the first time it seems, judging by their style. Ollie loved it so much, he wanted to come back again on the second night here. The hotel was a dive, but their pool and jumping air thing were great.

This place is so cool, it had a TV that rolled meme images. The boys loved it and photographed every single one.

A sample of the dozens on the TV at the brewery. Ping pong was better.
 Left - Prius off road machine. Every other car looked like serious 4wd's- at Boonoo Boonoo National Park, near the waterhole.
 Boonoo Boonoo is beautiful.
 Taking it easy after a dip at Boonoo Boonoo.
 I don't think I could have timed this shot better.
Only a fraction of a second off landing the perfect standing in mid-air photo. Missed by a knee length, dang it. Good spot to jump in the water.
This shot belongs at the top of this post - it was taken back in Bigriggen Campground.

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