24 October 2019

Francois Peron National Park

Went to the dolphin feeding again first thing in the morning, then to Francois Peron National Park.

Left: the naturaliste Francois Peron. French named every last piece of land or water they saw.

At the homestead shearing shed.
The homestead had displays of local wildlife and feral pests that eat or displace the natives, like the fox right.
Spent some time in the hot tub, hotter than a bath. You can only stay for about 15 minutes or so before it's just too hot.
The cape was a nice walk along the beach.

Drove up to Walyibidi (Cape Peron). The 30km road up was very sandy. Helped some guys in 4wd in the sand with our shovels. Their Maxxtrax worked well. Seems they just had their tyre pressure wrong, but they kept on wheel spinning their way along. People like this chop up and ruin the road in general.

Dolphins were checking us out. Were they asking for fish?

Left: Cape Peron.

Got to skip jack point. The boys stayed in the car. Saw a turtle, several dugongs, a big colony of birds and maybe a sting ray. Something jumped out of the water that was black and white, and shaped like that.

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