24 October 2019

Big Lagoon, Francois Peron

Today went back to Francois Peron National Park to see Big Lagoon. [get traditional name] It was too cold for a swim. We cooked up noodles in the shelter, using a towel to block the wind from blowing out the gas cooker.

On the way back, there was a car of tourists spinning their wheels in the sand, but staying stationary. We stopped to help, got them to roll back and forth, but their skinny street tread tyres were pretty useless.

We checked their pressure. One was at 30, another 26. We put them all down to exactly 16, and then they rolled on fine again, very grateful. They're braver than us, tackling severe sand with no clue how it's done and a limp all wheel drive.

Little lagoon was pretty, but no swimming either.We are now super paranoid about stone fish. Met a family from Wollongong next to us in the camp, and another from Brisbane two tents up. He works for the ABC so we chatted about the endless attacks on them.

Right: burritos for dinner. Ollie snapped his roll effort: artwork.

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