25 May 2019


Farina is a ghost town that is slowly being restored, or stabilised at least. The underground bakery is fired up every so often for a mini festival. The plan was to have this as the centre of wheat growing. When the railway was still running here, it was an important town, popular with sheep shearers, supplies etc.
Farina had a full walkable grid.
Sand on the track.  The old Ghan track seemed a bit optomistic.
Farina is ruins, once was an important rail town and agricultural centre.
Farina is being stabilised.
A new building that looks old. Louis and Owen, who we met back in Arkaroola, are in the fire place.
On the way into Marree, it rained so much, we were worried that the dirt road would become a slushy mess making driving impossible. It stayed quite solid though.
Me and Marie made it to Marree!

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