08 September 2011

Anna visits

<-- the boys sit still for a minute

water pistols at 3 paces -->

We were here for about 2 days, then Anna came which helped us feel at home. The boys loved having her around. Not sure if Anna liked having the boys around. They were still tired, and a handful.

On Thursday, we check out some places that are miles away from anything. At a toll booth, we pull up. They don't take cash, just coins, and we don't have any, again. The guy stuck behind us helps me feed the credit card in, in any way we can, but it won't take 1.50 from an Australian card, and us + 2 other cars back out of the toll booth. I beg for coins for the 2nd time, standing on the road waving a 5 Euro note, but no-one will stop. Walking around, one of the machines tells me to go to the empty looking office, where we finally get change. "What happened??" says our agent when we get there.

parts of Nice are well preserved -->

On Saturday, we moved from the hotel to the holiday unit. The email from HR said 3pm. Reception said the booking was for 5pm. After hanging around from 3 until 5pm, while smacking Ollie every 5 minutes, they then told us the room wouldn't be ready for another 1 and 1/2 hours. We went for dinner, and I wondered if the office would be closed when we got back. It was stressful, and I had the, oh-no what are we doing here feeling. Dinner was spaghetti with tomato sauce - really awful, and expensive.

<-- near the holiday unit. The sand has been trucked in, a lot easier to walk on

The unit has a 2 rooms, and feels like a palace compared to the hotel. We have nothing to eat for Sunday. I ask reception at about 9pm where there is a supermarket. I don't know what she's saying, but it seems there's a Carrefours off the A8 highway. I set off with the GPS, and cruise around, to try to find the one supermarket. It is hopeless. Before I go on the A8 again, I check, and it seems the 50c piece is Irish, and I give up, skip the highway, and go home. It the full light, it is stamped Ireland, but it is 50 euro cents, so I could have travelled on the A8 after all.

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