04 August 2020

Last day of work before going to France, 2011

More bike posts:

Last day, yay!
Posted by Edward Re on June 17, 2011 at 3:16pm

Last Friday was my last day at work in this office. It started off nicely. Despite it being 6.15am and about 5 deg C outside, there were heaps riding on the Epping Rd/Gore Hill path, even more than summer it seemed. What's the story?

It being the last day, you get an exit interview, so you can complain about anything, so I complained about the lack of a bike subsidy. There's free public transport tickets (value $1920). There are 2 (presumably really expensive) external car parks rented by the company since we've "only" got two levels in the basement, and even a free shuttle bus (one leg is between the office and Macquarie centre, which is honestly 100m away).

Funnily the HR lady was the same one, who during the office relocation Q&A session, stared at me blankly when I'd put forward the suggestion previously. "What about people who have to pick up children? They can't ride a bike.", she offered, placing her experience over what anyone else might want. I answered "It's not for everyone" and listed off some benefits. It didn't occur to me that I do have two kids, and get by just fine walking. No-one seems to think that catching a bus or train would stop you from parenting duties. We are a "green" company but we subsidise fossil fueled transport only. I suppose we're mainly green when it comes to selling our stuff.

In the car vs bike stakes, after our recent office move to here, it's bikes +2, and cars minus a couple of hundred, as parking spaces are limited. I recruited one rider (who's bike was later half eaten by a car). One other, a bike hater, discovered that since the office moved, the fastest way to work from Turramurra is straight across the Lane Cove NP. So now he rides. The water was half way up his wheels crossing the creek recently, he said. So, now he's even starting to sound like a cyclist.

On the way to the lift, one fellow commented to me on his commute. He lives at Lane Cove, and drives to the Shrimpton Creek bike path, then cycles the last 2km. I informed him the Epping Rd path goes all the way. Looks like we've made one last sale, with 5mins before the final buzzer. Nice.

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