01 October 2017

2017 August b

Left: Ollie's football adventures continue

Right: Louis, Danny, and David at a park in Chatswood.

Left: bowling for Lola, Holly and Ollie's birthday

Right: more bowling action. Got way too much food

Left: on the campaign trail!! I ran for council and got 89 votes. That's better than any other individual, but unfortunately still 2200 short of getting in. Most votes came in above the line. Maybe next time I will form a team, and just put out material on the day. The Lib Dems got one councillor in, which is a complete joke, as they did not spend one cent on advertising, materials, or even bothering to show up on election day. Not sure what they will do with their time on council.

Right: babysitting with the cousins. Chocolate galore, melted, with fruit. Nice one.

Left: at Mill's house, with Ollie, Darcy chopped, Ava, me, Mill and Lou also chopped a bit.

 Right: Marie lays out some great plans for something or other.

Left: selfie action with Belle, Tess, me and Lou

Right: serious trampoline action with the boys

Left: scary Auntie Marie threatens to tickle Darcy

Right: Marie, Belle, Will in the fetching hat, Ceal.

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