14 November 2013


Protesters gather at the Lego wall with jackhammers.
The boys watch the fall of the Lego Berlin wall.
Monday - we end up at the DDR museum to see the way of life under a German commie dictator. The masses learn to throw wooden hand grenades at school, a brand of forklift is a byword for unreliability and the leaders got to shop at special stores not open to the public, just like in North Korea etc. School teachers pressed the kids to join the army - they had quotas to meet. Other highlights are the Trabant car, the interrogation room and the prison cell. Marie pretends to close the door on me, but the boys protest and won't let her, even when we explain it can be opened again.

We spent 3.5 hours in the afternoon in Legoland. History is everywhere in Berlin. There is a model of the city and every 2 minutes a grafitti covered Berlin wall falls. Strangely, it's good fun to watch the protest, the fall and the celebration every time. The boys build cars and race them down a ramp. 

All the grafitti on the walls around here, the buildings and the trees are reminiscent of a WW2 film. No need to change anything just start filming.

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