14 November 2013


The boys like the S-bahn.
Louis a bit cold.
Friday - we hired bikes and went around Potsdam.

With a lot of encouragement, Ollie cycled about 20kms, which is fantastic for a 6 year old. Louis was in a kiddie trailer, and surprisingly happy despite the rain, cold etc. There are castles, including the Potsdam conference one, a bit of Berlin wall, and lots of lovely parks not yet ruined by freeways.

Potsdam - really nice.
After Germany was conquered, Stalin had detailed plans made to invade France, Italy and Britain. Why stop at Germany? At the Potsdam conference, Truman told Stalin that he had the bomb. Talk about an important conference.

Saturday - went to the Kommunication Museum. The boys LOVED it again, eg two cans connected with a string, written messages sent by vacuum tube, and a floor based video game.

Ollie racing around some castle.

The kids and Marie went to a movie about a racing snail. It's in the Sony Centre, where they tried to assassinate Hitler. While I went to Checkpoint Charlie and the museum to see the people who escaped or got shot trying. This is depressing. The Legoland interpretation was much more fun. Abductions, imprisonment, east German life was not as funny as in the DDR museum.

The Griswalds.

Finally we saw a Christmas market, had a chocolate crepe, and slid down a fake snow hill in a tyre tube.

This one's famous for the Potsdam conference.

Churchill and Truman let Stalin achieve what Hitler didn't.

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