29 January 2022


Work end of year function. I spoke with the head of automation, Mauro, and asked him what section he worked in. Danesh had a good laugh at that. Eeeh I've got no idea.

 Erandi, Lian, Syed and Danesh

Me, Irfan, Chris the former boss, Danesh, one of the service guys and Maheera.
Lou's last day at school. Every year the younger students form a tunnel for the yr 6s to leave through. What a nice little place.
Goldie goes nuts when we water the garden.
Christmas was at our place. Funny enough we could fit everyone in ok, some 30 odd people. This place is the tardis.
Julie, Ang, John, Evonne and Marie; I snapped this but it was probs the only time everyone was checking something.
Boxing day at Peters with Oli, Marie and Fil.
Mystery guest, John, Peter and David.
We looked after Penny for a day and evening. She slept on our bed. Too bad for the cats.
People from the local park; Colin, Simon, Tan, Marie and me.
Simon and Tex, one mellow dog despite being a crazy looking Staffy dog.
Bill and Sharn were down from Qld for Christmas. Plans were to go to the park but with the rain, we just had ppl to ours.

Kate, Riet, me, Sharn, Bill, Foges and Marie.

Happy New Year! All the people with kids partied on until at least like 9pm or something. 

Connaugh, Robin, her husband, the back of Marie, the hosts Christina and Tony.

This shots a bit clearer. A nice time had by all.
Our Christmas card - Merry Christmas everybodyyyy.

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