10 September 2021



At Nat and Scott's wedding, a good time had by all like 200 guests. Talk about lucky timing, between two waves of Covid, and it was down around zero cases at this time...
What happens when you let the kids have a go with the camera? Everyone smiles when a littly is snapping!
Amber and Allison at Scot and Nat's
Me and Tony at the wedding
Ollie outside the church after
Lou after the ceremony.
Max getting his best angle??
Lucas can see the bride is coming in at last.
Scott waits at the altar.
Before the ceremony with Lou, Lola, Holly, Charlie, Tony and Vonne.
Me and the boys getting there by train.
Our dog is the most thoughtful dog in the world. Here she concentrates on a tennis ball.
At Fil's place for lunch with the fam.
We got a message delivered to our doorstep asking if we'd had the same troubles? You bet!
Me, Irfan, Danesh, Ziad, Sen, Arijit, Sherry, Assanga, Syed out for another massive multicutural experience
This time we went to Burwood for a special Chinese restaurant. I think the food is from the North. It was excellent, huge serves, need to go again, and explore the alleys nearby packed with little food booths, just like an overseas market. Amazing all these places, and I had no idea all these places were there, right nearby.
Marie, Lola, Anna, and Lou at the Country and Inner Western at Sydney Park. Tex Perkins did Johnny Cash songs, v excellent. Kasey Chambers was pretty good, along with a few other bands.
Back to the wedding of Scott and Nat.
Managed to get out with some local guys; Abramo, Michael, Owen and Mark at the Oxford Tavern, former topless bar, now a hipster hang.

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