30 May 2021


Goldie is settling in very well. The cats both tolerate her fine, as long as she doesn't come too close - then it could be a swinging paw or a hiss.
We got the edges of the fireplaces done. Cost $1600 which is not bad but still a fair chunk of $$ given the average wage is like $90 grand.
Dinner with the work colleagues: Sherry, Syed Qaiser, Irfan, Danesh, Sen, Jesse, me, Amy, Rhianna, Maheera, Erandi, Arijit, Syed Hassan.
Jaime, me and the fearless pidgeon. Jaime is a professor in epidemiology but has zero interest in the prestige or any kind of fancy stuff. His family is from a fishing town north of Lima in Peru. His dad was a car mechanic. Seems him and his brother did pretty well.
Another leak in Oli's window. The sill is below the exterior masonry, so any ingress of water gets fed down to us. Pretty depressing having a waterfall in the dining area. They came and fixed it: which involved pumping in some silicone.
Ollie is doing really well in basketball. He doesn't practise besides the once off weekly session. The coach Gus told me the boys aren't very serious and he seems a bit annoyed, wondering what they're there for. I guess it's more for the fun than the hard work or drills.

Gus is from Argentina and played professional for a bit in Spain, but the competition was too fierce. It's funny playing with him. He's so kind, you'd never guess of his extremely high standard.
We picked up some wood ready for the new deck and pergola. The cats on top of the shed, if you can see that.
We popped down to Canberra for Leo's second birthday or some such, maybe just because we haven't all been there for a long while. 

We sat around, caught up and ate food.

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