12 June 2020

Sumi and Penny

Looks like she's settling in. This post is just a cat fest, with 2 shots of Penny the dog.
Everyone's pretty excited about the cat.
Drinking elegantly; seems she refuses to drink from a bowl.
Convenient spot on the doors looking across the back yard.
Penny the wonder dog, not really a doge, super fast too, as fast as Ollie can run. He's a Cavoodle - King Charles Spaniel/Poodle.
Penny - looks like a Teddy bear.
The odd shot out - sushi, Lou's fave, home made is v v good.
Cat sleeps on our bed. She comes gets up to us at 5am and wakes us up, asking Marie for breakfast, and to be let out for a pee. She's too royal to use the kitty litter box. She prefers the garden.

She doesn't like being picked up much so the boys have to admire from a distance.

The back yard for now; with some more pots in there.
The Libertons playing Zombicide; it's a catchy game.

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