13 August 2019

Humpty Doo, jumping crocs

After Litchfield, got to Humpty Doo. Stayed at the  Humpty Doo Hotel, listened to a one man band. We stocked up on a lot of stuff, as per the photo on the left. The drawers hold a LOT of food. Plus we've got a new ice box, which works ok for 3 days in the heat.
Sadly the chocolate will melt together in this weather.
The only reason we stopped in Humpty Doo was to catch the croc cruise the next morning. Jumping Crocodiles, or Adelaide River Cruises, tempts them with chunks of chicken on the end of a string.
We saw the Dominator, who loves to fight every single croc that comes close, and Brutus, the big one. The guy was up the front of the boat, waving around a stick with a chunk of chicken, while the boat was casually parked on the mud banks. If a croc wanted to, they could have leapt onboard without jumping any higher than they did for the chicken. I guess it hasn't happened yet so may not?
As you can see, the crocs get close. Do not put your arms or hands outside the boat!

He shows us the life vests at the start of the cruise, and everyone has a good laugh. You don't want to waste time with a vest, just swim as fast as you can, or try to go camo slow in the water. There are literally hundreds on any stretch around here, ready for any handy meal (or leggy for that matter).
We all enjoyed the crocs a lot.

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