27 February 2018

Happy birthday Charlie

Went to Cockatoo Island for Charlie's big 11th birthday.
Man that is a beautiful place. It's screaming out for some serious use, other than being an open air museum of a former major ship building yard.
The images from back in its heyday were very smoky, a lot of serious industrial activity, probably not that healthy, but the upshot: a beautiful place overlooking the harbour.
We camped overnight.

Ollie hauls all others.
Mr Muscle poked out his arse, broadened his chest and took a big dose of Croatia to haul the other boys in this strange wheelbarrow. As they say, he obviously didn't get it from me.

One of the boat holding docks.
A marvel of engineering and building sitting idle now.

How come these buildings are so beautiful?
They are as simple as, built for a function, in sympathy with their surrounds, and follow the contours of the land. I guess that's the answer.

Old sandstone master's residence. Not bad.

The gang.
Tony, Evonne, Brett, Sev, Marie, Ted.
Halfway there, getting stuck into cheese and crackers, plus wine and beer. Ah that is the life.

Lou, Charlie, school buddies Leo, another one, Holly and Jack from down the street.

Jack, Sev, Marie, Ollie, Charlie, class mate, Evonne, Louis light the cake.

I think this used to be a prison back in convict times. Massive awesomeness, even the prisons are drop dead beautiful. Why aren't these occupied by people now?

View over the harbour.
If we ever drag our French friends over, no matter what the cost, must stay on top of the hill in one of the residences!!

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