26 August 2017

2017 March

1. Sitting next to Michel at work. He is a stickler for not sticking stuff on his cabinet. Lee couldn't resist putting a coffee on the sign.

2. People parking across the path grrr.
This is on my way home to work. I used to use this path, now I go to the right side of the park for less traffic, less parking people.

3. some portrait shots to try to get one useful mug shot. Mission not achieved.

4. this shot is too goofy

5. this shot is out of focus. I'm blinking.

6. smiling too much, out of focus

7. Lego masterpieces on the blog for posterity

8. domestic bliss means having all electrical cables tied up and down the box with the sewer pipe. Way neater, happy with the job.

9. Car share program - for the first year and a half being back, until we got a car (Prius 25 May 2016), we used a car share. Even now it helps if we needed to do 2 different things, or get a ute. People hire out their private vehicles, we hire them, and the share company gets a cut. Everyone wins out.

10. Trying to be tourists in our own town. Alice brought her box browny. She takes some great shots. I should ask for some. One day...

11. Too much construction around here.  At some stage it will all crash. But they've been predicting a crash for ten years, so we've been a long time wrong. Can't wait for the head shakes and wisdom when it finally does.

12. Too much traffic on Pacific Highway. Clearly the answer to too many cars is to get rid of some by bike way, bus and best of all tram or train.

13. Date night! Poor Marie has to put up with me ranting. I should get another hobby besides politics.

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