05 January 2014


The kids try to enjoy a fake plastic ice rink.
If this was a normal word, you'd pronounce it as "B.O.". Luckily though, Biot is pronounced "be-ott". A truly bad name is the town of Montcuq. In French, it is pronounced the same as mon cul, meaning my arse (like "mon coo"). This has prompted the mayor of Montcuq to invite everyone to come and see Montcuq. You too can view Montcuq, along with everyone else, thanks to the wonders of the internet.

Glassblowing: quite an art to catch it from sagging too much.
Biot is famous for glass making. It's also got a great little old town packed with crafts and goodies for every tourist. You can watch the glass blowing. Ollie stayed there for some time.

We also went ice skating on plastic ice. This stuff is not slippery, and shaves off into tiny pieces that get into your clothes and go all over the place. On the plus side, even though it was free, you can pretty much have the rink to yourself.

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