30 September 2013

Julia and Maryanne's here!

It's always blue skies around here, but as soon as Mayanne and Julia's plane was due to land, a big storm came in. They landed a bit over an hour late. Their plane did a big plunge at one time, "the tower of terror"and their bums got off their seats. All the attendants ran for it, to get back to their seats. Not good just before expecting to land, some screaming all round. Then the turbulence made Maryanne sick. She looked more dead than sick to me after 24 hours odd. Julia seemed ok!

This morning they were trying to beep through our front gate. We finally got the right code, then I told them to run! After making sure they got on the bus, Marie pointed out that we didn't tell them how to get back home again, no way to contact us and no keys. They got back fine though at about 3.

Apparently day one went well enough. They're still jetlagged, so the homework was slow going.

I had a medical checkup at work, and weighed in at 83kg. I thought I'd write that down, as I'm pretty chuffed, and may not get skinny again ever.

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