22 May 2013

Beziers on the Canal du Midi

Day 2
Testing out Marie's bike with kid seat .
The boys get a tour of the yard from the landlord, husband of Sabine. His Southern accent is so strong, it's even harder to understand. Eg he says vang for vent, which they normally say like vaw.

The locks allow boats to climb the canal.
The ride to the canal is lovely. Beziers and its grand cathedral on a hill slowly turn sideways. We arrive where there are about 5 locks for the boats to climb a hill. The boys are excited to watch the boats go through the locks. We chat to a family from Russia. Their daughter speaks English. They've been on their boat for 4 days and seem to have the canal climbing and rope mooring going well. The Mum climbs the stairs alongside, the daughter throws the ropes and the dad sits around steering the boat.
A huge amount of water flows.

Lunch stop.
Followed by a fruit stop.
About 6 k's from home, Ollie, who's on a single speed and going well,  complains. Stopping for lunch, everyone says bonne appétit (Googled that) as they pass. You don't get 5 minutes of peace, there are so many bikes. After lunch Ollie falls over, and won't continue, so we turn back home, amid lots of complaints from him. Louis calls out bonne appétit to a bunch of black leather clad bikers who all spin around and sing a cheery Merci! After a 20 minute stop and some fruit, Ollie finds his power to race home.

The canal is an easy 200+km ride.
We relax for a bit, then drive into town. The boys fall asleep. Beziers is beautiful. The place is full of new French, and places are for sale everywhere. Outside the centre they're putting up little estates and a shopping centre, while the gorgeous centre suffocates. What's wrong with people??

Places are going cheap in Beziers.

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