16 October 2011

The new place

<-- Ollie tries out the awnings

Louis, as photographed by Ollie. Our bedroom looking toward the living room. The hall to the other 2 bedrooms is 1st left, the front door 2nd left. One toilet 1st right, kitchen 2nd right, then straight to the living room. -->

Not sure if it was a smart move getting our current place. Marie says she wished she'd held off a bit longer. I feel hot and cold about the place.

But all of the other places we saw were either as old, or nowhere near as convenient. It is in a handy spot. Today we went to the kids park. It's in the same street. The beach is at the end of our street. The boys LOVE the beach. There are 3 breadshops, a supermarket and a cellar within 5 minutes walk. The light comes in from 3 walls, the other wall being a common wall. Once we have some more furniture, it should be more homely.

<-- in most French places, you have to supply your own light fittings, and the kitchen (ie the kitchen will have a sink, and nothing else in it). The living rooms have no lights. In ours, the kitchen had no light either.

Ollie gets snap happy. This is the living room. For the first 2 weeks odd, we could not see at night, until we bought a lamp. Then we had the choice of seeing what we ate for dinner, or seeing what we were cooking for dinner, but not at the same time. One of the guys at work suggested we just open the fridge door. -->

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