10 March 2019

Sept 2018

 Above - Harley's birthday - turning one is a nice milestone. Well done Harley.

Right - bushwalk down to Ball's Head reserve, then up through Waverton to get the train back home again. A nice way to spend the day. I wish we could get our little monkeys to be interested in walking more.

 Above - Wendy Bacon, Alison Taylor, Pauline Lockie, Dr Michelle Zeibots, Noel Childs and the organiser of Stop the Tunnels Larissa Penn. I did video the whole thing if you're keen to watch, just google Stop the Tunnel in Youtube. I was closely involved in their group to try to get signatures on the petition, publicise the talk etc. They got about 100 people along which worked out very well.
Above - my beloved scooter kind of died. It's aluminium, so it won't last forever. I first got it after Ollie got his aged around two years. When I'd arrive home from work, he'd have the front door open calling "Scooter! Scooter! Scooter!" So we did some rides in the garage and around the place. That makes its age around 8?

Left - finishing off the walk to Balls Head.

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