09 March 2019

Happy birthday to our beautiful Oliver

 Our gorgeous Ollie had his double digit status confirmed once more. We had some buddies over for a shoot em up, and some soccer, at the local park, followed by cutting the cake, lord knows what tomfoolery and a bit of combined device time of course.
The birthday boy blows out the candles.

Evie tells some stories to Charlie.

Left: we're always trying to work out the bits and pieces while we wait and wait for approvals, detailed design and construction on the new place to begin.

At the time of writing (Mar 19), they've smashed all the walls out, constructed a feature wall with a big blue post in the middle, and have started to put in the floor joists. We've been cleaning bricks. Luckily Marie's been there to stop the plumber putting gas into the kitchen, and asking it in the back yard for a bbq instead. The ventilation of the stove is still not worked out. The flyscreens/security screens on the windows were forgotten, but worked out some days later after we personally visited a showroom. They said the ceiling was always going to be flat after we'd spent several meetings asking for exposed ones, and a stepped ceiling. The sides of the opening lever for the slat windows were going to be on the wrong side until Marie picked it up. I've explained about the exposed bricks off the lounge room twice now. They tell us not to worry, but that worries me!

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