10 March 2019

Sept 2018 pt 2

 Above; praying for the win, with George, Cameron, Henry, Sammy and Rylan.

Right: playing for the win, that's right - slide the bat! No ball from the ump.

 Right - the worst croissant in the world. Looks like a croissant, smells like one, tastes bland, texture of a chunk of bread. It's supposed to have thousands of layers, not be some random chunk of wheat based solidity.

Above - heritage always evolving! In this case, all the handsome terrace shops from the turn of last century have evolved into a giant hole. The current advertising is for human scale 2 story developments to replace, but the actual plan is for some mega towers to get this place Hong Konging along.

Right: a walk to Balmoral from Bradley's Head via Middle Head. Beautiful!

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