09 March 2019

More August 2018

 We got Lou some 3D goggles, but then worked out it doesn't actually fit any of our phones. They still had a nice time of it.

Holly and Lola had their birthday party with cousins, aunties and uncles from both sides of their family.
Across the road from work about 5 buildings are springing up, including a replacement for our current building, which seems fine, bad apparently is not fit for purpose. 

 To the left: Epping Road - that's after it had been calmed down from a four lane highway to a one lane in parts. Still it's a pretty crap road, and it stinks as well. I always wear a P2 dust mask to try filter out particulate matter. My throat does feel better with a filter.
Last but not least, well this is really one story that does stick in my head. Dennis brought in some Indonesian snacks, v tasty. Clearly I had too many and they didn't agree. I puked at work, then told them I'm going home asap. Fought the waves of nausea until I boarded the train. After concentrating as hard as I could, I just had the overwhelming urge. I cleared the carriage of people. I sprayed the bike down with water the following day to stop acid eating the parts.

Did I take the following day off work? You bet!

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