28 February 2013

On the dodgems

Going through some old photos etc and found this gem.

My work

Where all the magic happens. My desk is after the trophy.
The building is a really modern one, with multi coloured steel grills in odd places over the windows. They don't serve any function except to brighten it up a bit. Recently we had guards in to make sure everyone parked within the lines in the right places. All the doors are now locked down with electromagnetic catches, so everyone has to walk the long way round to get in or out. They had a survey to find out how they can become a "cool site". There's a long way to go before that.
Joel, Laurent and Christian cracking another case.

Our place

The boys go flower picking on the balcony
Our spare room welcomes you with 200 open arms.
Sadly here in the Mexico city part, the car is king.

If you aim the camera up a bit you miss all the cars.
I borrowed a good camera from work. So here's a couple of more shots of our place. We fantasise about living in town, where all of the really good stuff happens, but it's not too bad out here either. The beach, with stones, is close. School is a k away. There's a nice path along the water and a few shops are close enough to walk for the daily things like bread or veggies.