25 June 2019

Driving to Dalhousie Homestead

Drove out of Oodnadatta. Hit the turnoff at exactly 17kms, as the map said, v good, happy to know we seem to be on the correct road.

Lou felt sick so we stopped, decided to have lunch. No need to pull off the road - we ate in the left lane. 4 cars came by but slowed dsown not to get dirt in our delicious wraps. Rolled along with alternating gibber plains and mulga bush country.

Left: at Dalhousie homestead, with hot wheels track out, and tonnes of flies.
Saw Dalhousie Springs homestead. The farmers of yesteryear were nuts to try it on out here. They tried to turn this place into agricultural land, but the isolation was depressing and the endless droughts drove them away.
The landscape here is pretty spectacular.

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