15 October 2023


Friday night, went out with Justin in Crows Nest. Played some cards where you are applying for a job. Hilarious. Drank some delicious whiskey.

Rolled out of bed very slowly. We'd arranged to pick up a sofa bed at 9am. So we wrestled it out the door, gouging the Eden's floor (the girl offering the item). Had to tumble it vertically to get it out and down the stairs. Couldn't shut the tail gate. Rather than battle it into the house at Petersham, we drove up to the Central Coast to drop it off. Decided to try get another while up there. Really max'd our time there. An English couple had a newish looking one for $80, bargain, hope the kids use it a bit.

Saturday night at Jason and Christie's for her surprise 40th. Nice time for all. That's not a bonfire, sheesh.

Marie's away this week. I like her going off with her friends. But when I'm doing the single parent routine, you are not allowed to come home and complain about the state of the house, and the kids being behind on their homework.

Left: Lou, Max, Marie measure up Oli and Charlie.
Right: our neighbour Christian and Marie checking out the explosion of Jasmin at the front. With any luck soon, the cage will be covered!

Well the kids had an ok week I think. 4 mornings out of 5, I was out with work, so said they have to get their own breakfast, their own lunch, and get themselves to school. If they're late or not, too bad, up  to them! Have to admit, I didn't get to do any shopping, so we ran out of muesli bars and bread. No idea what they ate at school, except for Lou's regular Vietnamese pork roll on Friday. 

Friday night went to dinner with Chap and Riet at Chico's Mexican at Milson's Point, a nice place. Chap is nearing completion with the building of his home, should be ready for visitors by December. He'll be back November. His dad has dementia, and his mum is struggling to look after him. He hides tools from under the house around the home because he's worried about theft, then can't find them, and thinks they've been stolen. Riet is the diversity senior manager at her law firm, so seems it's going well. Really nice to see them after so long.

Saturday night me and Rie went to the Re bar - claiming to be sustainable with recycled bench tops, that kind of thing. Not sure how sustainable drinking spirits is, but anyway... The boys stayed with Vonne.

Sunday, had a nice sleep in, walked the dog to the library to return a book on Rutherford and Oliphant, two scientists who were buddies from Aust/NZ, and very much started the nuclear age- nuclear power, microwaves, radar and leading to the atomic bomb. Walked to Evonne's to get the boys and walked home. I think Goldie is tired, but always hungry now. She loves human food, and my cooking.

The year of the cat: Mumma seems appreciative on a level that humans can only hope to achieve one day.

I'm on S1s today! (12th) This means I can take a call 24 hours, and work up to 14 in one day. There are stand down rules for those who get exhausted. Fingers crossed the night thing doesn't happen this time!
So far so good. It's Friday as I write. Up at 6:20 this morning with one at Warriewood that resolved itself. Was right near Andy's place but sadly I only had his work number, so missed him while there. Got 2 hours through an audio book on environment and taking action. Now feeling guilty for doing incorrect stuff and not doing enough protest. 
Saturday, spent the afternoon and evening at Christina and Tony's. I'm sobre being on call. Lou came to hang with Oliver Sceats. Met Sean and Allee, good times, crazy stories. 
Sunday, had lunch at Vonnes with Tim and Suzie. Tim was an old house mate of theirs. Ate too much. Walked the dog home. 

Left: a photo of our newly resprayed bridge. After the buildup and a weekend, not sure if they did too much though. It is a historic bridge, iron, the oldest of its type still used in NSW apparently. Built in 1883, designed by George Cowdery. Rests on brick piers, steel trestles, refurbished in 1992. The riveted metal lattice work underneath is original. Currently getting a repaint using two tone heritage colours.

I'm on S1s today! (12th) This means I can take a call 24 hours, and work up to 14 in one day. There are stand down rules for those who get exhausted. Fingers crossed the night thing doesn't happen this time!

Right: me and Lou at the BBQ place in Burwood, while Marie and Oli had gone up the Coast already. Very genuine: not much English spoken. You cook your own stuff. 

So far so good with the S1 jobs. It's Friday as I write. Up at 6:20 this morning with one at Warriewood that resolved itself. Was right near Andy's place but sadly I only had his work number, so missed him while there. Got 2 hours through an audio book on environment and taking action. Now feeling guilty for doing incorrect stuff and not doing enough protest. 

Saturday, spent the afternoon and evening at Christina and Tony's. I'm sobre being on call. Lou came to hang with Oliver Sceats. Met Sean and Allee, good times, crazy stories. 

Sunday, had lunch at Vonnes with Tim and Suzie. Tim was an old house mate of theirs. Ate too much. Walked the dog home.

So far, so good, only Tuesday I had to roll out to North Head in the morning for a no responsive rack (just needed replacement comms module), but then got a panic call from Bondi, since server 2 had died (there is a redundant one, but if that goes, they lose control of the plant). Had to drive to Parra to collect a replacement, then drive to Bondi to swap it out, following the checklist. Managed to kill the plant for a few seconds, stopped server 2 replacement, then worked out I had one ipaddress wrong. Finished 9:30pm.

Friday we saw the Syd Uni med review - ChatGP with Jaime, Claudia, Marie and Tim. Some funny skits in there, for example the doctor who has a zombie wave of patients, like in a video game-it was well done.
Saturday clean up, walk dog to the shops, set up some stereo speakers in the kitchen, a bit of a disappointment with the average volume.
Saturday night, went to dinner with Julian's parents, Enno and Andrea. They are both PhD people. They met at UTS. He works for the ABC in complaints. She works for a prime minister's library - the Whitlam Institute at Parra, that I ride past on the way to work all the time, on the river, at UWS. 
Left: at North Head Sewerage works aka Wastewater Treatment Plant probs soon Water Resource Recovery blah.

Andrea did her PhD on cultural memory/history *something like that, and visited Mostar to see the divisions caused by the war, as an example, along with a couple of other cities.
Sunday, another call to Bondi - a switch port was off, so they thought the switch was throwing out problems. Turns out the mains supply power was a bung for a moment, throwing off several machines, including shutting off the one reported as a the switch port problem. It was 2pm to 6pm, so no drama sleep wise.

So finished the s1s on Tuesday morning. Dinner with Lou Tuesday night as per the photo above. Wednesday me and Lou finally went up to the Central Coast Wednesday. Worked two days while Trish, Tim and fam were up. Oli got Julian, Curtis and Felix up. Charli came for a day or two. 

Right: Fil in Belgium somewhere.
Ceal cocking a leg in Belgium. Good times.

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