08 September 2019

Gnylmarung - Dampier Peninsula

Left: Kai your camp host doggie

When we turned off to Gnylmarung. About 10km in, we decided the kids could have devices. Then we realised they were still in Broome. What to do? Turn around for Beagle Bay to make a call, go back to Broome (about 2 hours drive)? We pressed on and called them up when we arrived.

The road in was a bit rough and sandy. Definite 4wd is required with a crown of sand and deep rutts in places. The campsite itself is mainly sand tracks with good tree coverage. It's right beside the beach, a very short walk to the water. A stone wall is clearly hand built, so that it forms a pool that water can run out from. These are fish traps. Alphonse says they don't use them anymore as they have nets etc.
We spent a few nice days swimming and sitting around the place. The boys enjoyed playing with Juda and Mila. There was another family: Janet from Germany and her two girls, locally born. They go back once each three years. She plans to also do a 6 month stint there, so that the girls are forced to use their German skills. On the last day another family turned up as well.
We didn't see the boys during the day often. Ollie also had a day on the boat with Mario the mad keen fisherman. Ollie got the first big fish of the day, and was really wrestling with it. The line snapped off. He got a few other good ones. We think we should get him a fishing rod. Ollie says we should also go get a boat.

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