03 August 2018

Start of July

Charlie Holly and Lola spent a few days during the two weeks of the school holidays at our house. Ours also visited them, so me and Marie had some date nights. Would we ever want to cook when it's just us two?

We got out a fair bit, but also found some time for the old WII, left.

Right, even while the others were doing their thing, Ollie and Holly had a wood sword fight.

Left: we also went up again to Gloucester, this time with the cousins. Had an awesome time. Saw a thick blanket of stars and the Milky Way due to good timing and no clouds. Made a set of stairs going up an earth bank out the back. Ripped up some fence around the old chicken coop. Slept well! Boys went on long walks, played soccer, helped out a bit, chopped wood, pulled weeds etc etc. V good.

Lou, Lola, Mikey, David, Anke, Kevin, Charlie, Ollie doing the dab, Holly.

Lou and David do the chess type thing that's a bit like checkers.

 Stop, selfie time. right:

Who's taking the photo? Is that you Ollie?

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