18 January 2017

Day 8 - Montelimar nougat, Grignan lunch, staying at Sisteron

<=(Who would guess that a nougat museum would be such a hit!)

Day 8 - after getting some nougat at the 3 Abeilles, and a fact filled enlightening trip to the Arnaud Soubeyran factory, picking up more nougat, chocolate, red wine and marshmellow, we drive onto Grignan for lunch.

(The bees are smart here.)=>

<=(The queen produces all the bees, the workers, the soldier ones, everyone. She's truly the queen mother.)

(Body parts, beautiful writing.)=>

<=(Grignan, a beautiful village, well worth staying for longer than we did.)

In Grignan, the serveuse is Canadian. She having trouble translating the ingredients into English. The castle is closed, but the church has a hell of a great automated creche/nativity scene.

(I suppose we can get a taste of the place)=>

<=(the large, colourful and automated creche at Grignan)

We drive on to Sisteron, past some beautiful stone villages. There's no way in hell we will remember all these different villages!

<=(I think the shops of Sisteron are nicely laid out and colourful.)

(In the streets, looking for a place to eat.)=>

Sisteron has an amazing fortress above the village. The village is a classic Provencale collection of winding alleys, tiny arcades of stairs cutting up/down through buildings. Marie picks up 2 more belts. Dinner is way too much pizza. They've boxed the leftovers. There is more left over than got eaten.

The hotel is cold inside, which is a nice change from the Ibis in Montelimar where we cooked so much it was hard to sleep.

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