17 January 2012

The red spot special

We went to the local Myers here (Galleries Lafayette) to get the boys some things at the sales. There were Converse All Stars sneakers. 44 euro normally, these had a Red Dot. Each colour dot represents a different discount. There weren't many sizes left, but one pair fit Ollie, with Batman on them, oh yeah. I couldn't see the price, but who cares eh? After we got out of the store, we saw we'd been charged 60 euro. So I went back to check it out. The check out girl said yep that's right. So I showed her the stand, and the red dot. Oh yes, that means no discount. But I pointed to the colour codes. Look the biggest discount is red! Oh no, that would be pink, not red. Yep the red spot special is very special: it means that there is no discount. In most other stores here though, a red dot means 50%.

This misunderstanding ranks up there with the others. Like when I opened up the door to the shower room at work. All the lockers had gone, with all my clothes. Or the time I thought we had 10 grand in the bank and bought a car, only to discover a couple of days later that we were about 3 grand behind. I had a long conversation with a guy yesterday, who said he was off for a ride on his bike, which he had in his car. Then he hopped in and drove off. Not sure what he really said. Then I almost smacked into a fence on the way home, as it was cyclone mesh, dark, and was right across the path. Last Thursday I almost lost a tooth on the ceramic crown stuck in the king cake thing. You find out about it all, just after you actually need to know.

At least I won't be losing sleep over this one.

<-- finding out ahead of time! They will be spraying the garbage bins at this time.

Cheese notes:
Roquefort: the search for awesome blue cheese is over. On bread, it's like the tastiest chicken you've ever had.

<-- from the building next door Romain, and his mum Silvie at "the beach".

leftover shot from Christmas, the rink at Carpentras -->

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